This lemming's got herself a blog, yo
noun [C usually singular]
an activity, group, movement, etc. that has become
successful or fashionable and so attracts many new people:
a bandwagon effect
(Cambridge Dictionaries Online)
According to my astrological sign, I'm supposed to be the type of person who marches to the beat of my own drummer.
Hmmm ... guess not.
Until now, I've always held back from starting a blog. Part of me's been skeptical about the whole thing of putting my daily thoughts and whatnot out there in the public domain. Part of me doesn't want my ego bruised and humiliated if people I know or work with find out I have one of these things and make me the butt of their joke. (I have a feeling that'll happen anyhow.) Another part of me is just plain lazy and is currently whining about how I'm going to keep this thing up on a regular to semi-regular basis.
But a huge part of me has been poking, prodding and nudging me to find a way to revive my desire to write, something I haven't done for years now, due to time, work, fatigue - whatever excuse I can think of.
Besides, I spend most of my time in front of a computer most days than near a notebook for personal purposes ... so why not?
Most people have specific themes to their blogs. A lot of the kids these days use them as personal journals and to let friends and family keep track of what they're doing. Others use them to showcase their arts, crafts, and opinions. For the moment, I'm leaving mine as a mishmash of opinion, personal anecdotes of the sitcom that is my life, and eventually some exercises in fiction writing. Maybe down the road I'll make up my mind.
Watch this space.
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