Sunday, March 04, 2007

A Baby And A Dog

Sometime last night, I had yet ANOTHER dream ...

I was living by myself, and had this baby I was taking care of - about three or four months old and really cute; she kind of looked like me, so I'm assuming she was mine ...

But then there was this dog - a mutt, I think - and there was something wrong with one of its front legs, so it was limping.

And all I remember was running around, trying to find an after-hours animal hospital to seek help for this dog - and finally finding one - all while trying to remember to feed, take care of, and generally not neglect the baby.

Man, it's times like these when I'm glad I don't remember what I dream about most of the time. Weird.


Karmic-Angel said...

My analysis: You are multi-tasking to the extreme in your life, and your psyche is trying to tell you to cut back. OR you were kidnapped by aliens a last year, your eggs were harvested and now there is a half-alien half-Romulan child out there somewhere who really wants a pet doggy.

D.C. said...


AquariusDragon said...

Dreaming of babies usually means something new is coming into your life. New job, new beginnings, new clothes... it's endless. Not sure what dreaming of a dog means... maybe something to do with loyalty? Maybe a new loyal relationship?