Monday, March 26, 2007

The Planning Begins

So, if you can recall, almost three months ago I made a wishlist of things I wanted to happen or see happen this year.

Fast on the heels of my one-date quota, it seems another goal of mine may be starting to realize itself.

As of last Friday, three friends and I officially started planning about going to Spain this summer.


We're aiming for mid-August, mainly because that's the only time we would all be able to take time off at the same time. Also because there's the chance I could potentially be going to a wedding in Dublin around that time (but we'll see what happens).

We're still in the early stages. We met at a bookstore last Friday, trying to pore over travel books and make heads and tails of things. We started making a list of places we'd like to see on our travels. And we've already got a fairly good list.

We definitely have a list of cities to choose from: Bilbao, Barcelona, Valencia, Seville, Madrid, and Grenada. And let's not forget Gilbraltar.

Tonight, I bought myself a travel guide, and right now I'm trying to do everything in my power NOT to stay up late at nights, reading it obsessively.

It's also hard NOT to get caught up in the romantic idea of Spain - the culture, the siestas, the late-nights. And in the case of my friend Jeannie, all the paella she can get her hands on.

I'm trying to be level-headed -- thinking about looking into potential hostels and guesthouses to stay at ... how the hell I'm going to get from Toronto to possibly Dublin and then on to whatever our first stop in Spain might be.

But just the thought that I could be doing this makes me giddy.

So, if you have any advice on where to find good accommodations, or the best way to travel, both by air, and around Spain, holla at me. I'll happily take suggestions, being a novice and all.

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