To Review ...
Okay, so remember back on January 1st, when I spoke of all the things I'd like to try and do this year?
Let's see where I'm at, shall we?
I said I wanted ...
A better job. And I guess you could say I got it. Better hours, better pay, smaller (and nicer) staff. I do have my bad days, but as far as I know, they're not as bad, now that I've set up a routine for my job. It's not the be-all and end-all, but it's definitely a step in the right direction. (I could do with a bit of overtime, though. Or the equivalent of a few days of time in lieu. Maybe in the fall.)
To be more aggressive with saving money. Ehhhhh .... I'm trying. I still lapse often. But I'm making that concerted effort to sock away money to reach my personal goal of a downpayment next year. Still a work in progress.
To learn something useful. I've been enrolled in a once-weekly Spanish class since mid-May. I like my class and my teacher. But I think I may have kissed the old university work-ethic goodbye when I graduated more than seven (!) years ago. I'm tryin', though. I also got a new learner's permit for driving. At the very least, I have new ID when I go to bars. Heh.
To do something I've never done before ... and go somewhere I've never been (respectively). This turned out to be a 2-for-1 deal. I mentioned I always wanted to go to Spain. On Sunday, after weeks and weeks on waiting on friends who dropped out or went AWOL, I threw up my hands and decided: I'm going to Spain. By myself.
So far I've booked my plane tickets. Now I just have to work on accommodation and travel details. This could be the trip - and the much-coveted belated 30th birthday present - I've been waiting for. Or it could be the stupidest thing I'm about to do.
To fill my one-date quota. Um, check. You can re-read it here.
7) To get a piggyback ride. And I did! Woot! My friend Mia is the strongest woman under five-foot-five I've ever met. Carrying me around her friends' condo during a party, after 1 a.m. in the morning, and NOT getting a hernia, warrants an award of some kind. Thanks - I love you :).
So I'm fulfilling basic requirements on most of my "wishes". Now I'm hoping this is the part of the year that provides the extras.
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