Saturday, June 24, 2006

Fooled by Best Buy ... again.

So it turns out Best Buy led me on. Again.

I called this afternoon, hoping to hear the magic words, "Why yes, your camera is ready for pickup."

Last week, they said it was "in transit". Today the guy on the phone tells me it hasn't even made it into the delivery truck from the depot yet.

It's been almost 7 weeks. If I wasn't sane, I'd swear they were waiting until my original warranty runs out to get it back to me (and it happens to expire three weeks from now). That way, when I drop it the next time, they can shrug and say, "Well, nothing we can do".

I swear, next time, I'm going to Henry's to buy my camera. My friend's Nikon stopped working properly; she tried to get it fixed and ended up getting a newer model replacement. No charge.

That's the way you treat a customer, Best Buy. If he or she drops a few hundred dollars to buy an expensive product AND the good-for-nothing extended warranty package you hawk on them, the LEAST you could do is offer a little expeditious service.

Just a suggestion.

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