Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Someone please call 6-6-6 ...

(Apologies to Wyclef and Mary J for the above title)

Hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia (courtesy of Wikipedia):

A fear which originates in the belief that the Biblical verse, Revelation 13:18, indicates that the number 666 is linked to Satan or the Anti-Christ. Outside the Christian faith, the phobia has been further popularized as a leitmotif in various horror films.

Number one on my "To Do" list today is done.

Now all I have to do is walk under an open ladder while holding a black cat, open an umbrella indoors and break a mirror with the handle, and spill a shitload of salt without tossing any over my shoulder.

Cue the hail, frogs and locusts.

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