Sunday, April 01, 2007

Out Like A Lamb ...

So March is over ... what a month, y'all.

And April is finally here.

This is the time of year where I start feeling alive and in Technicolor again, because I know the good weather is just around the corner.

Today's also April Fool's Day. I'm not one for playing pranks - I've never taken the time to come up with creative ways of messing with people.

But if you've ever played one, I wouldn't mind hearing about the best one you've played.

I'm not looking to copycat your ideas. I just love a good story.


are you gonna eat that? said...

I don't have a good story. My "friends" in high school thought it was funny to take the entire contents of my locker and move it to one on another floor and replicate exactly as I had left it. Every April Fool's Day. Every year. Until I graduated. Funny. Not.

D.C. said...

What? That's completely crazy! Once, I understand. But every year? With friends like those ...